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Course 171022 - 101 Financial Solutions
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This Course is based on the electronic .pdf file(s) 101 Financial Solutions
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D.   (2013 )
Field of Study: Accounting
CPE Credit: 12 Hours
Level: Intermediate
Prereqs: Basic Accounting, Basic Finance, Basic Statistics
State Exceptions: None
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Your Price:
Exam Only $82.00

There is no book for this course. The course is based on an electronic .pdf file which you can download now.
*Courses must be completed for CPE credit within one year of the date of

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Electronic Downloads:
101 Financial Solutions
by: Dr. Jae K. Shim, Ph.D., 2013, 221 pages
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Course Description:
A manager’s success depends largely on his or her ability to manage a company’s assets. This mission is complicated by the interdependent nature of a company’s finances. One short-term financial problem, such as a cash flow shortage, can cause a longer-term credit problem, such as denials for bank loans. The successful manager must be able to quickly identify and resolve such short-term problems in order to prevent their long-term deleterious effects. This course is intended for effective business managers and entrepreneurs. Covering every facet of the daily management of a business’s finances, it is designed to help managers pinpoint, remedy, and prevent business and financial problems. In each case, it also points out potential ripple effects—the ways in which a problem in one sector can disrupt operations in other areas.

Course Topics:
Pricing, Sales, and Advertising Miss Margins inventory and Production Shortfalls
Profit Targets Are Off Risk-Return Unbalance
Inability to Finance Weakens Business Development Business Control Threatened
Cash Flow Disturbances Mess in Accounts Payable and Receivable
Lackluster Financial Statements Costs Out of Control
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