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Course 171021- Analysis of the Corporate Annual Report
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171021v - Analysis of the Corporate Annual Report

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Read 'Chapter 1: Annual Report: The Financial Statements' & answer the following question(s):
1. The basic financial statements include a
2. Another name for the balance sheet is the:
3. Which of the following types of accounts are not found on the balance sheet?
4. The primary purpose of the income statement is to reflect
5. Which of the following is an example of operating activities?
6. Cash outflows from investing activities include:
7. A statement of cash flows is to be presented in general purpose external financial statements by which of the following?
Read 'Chapter 2: Annual Report: Other Sections of the Report' & answer the following question(s):
8. A segment is reportable if any one of the following conditions exists except:
9. Footnote disclosures usually do not include:
10. The Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) section of an annual report
11. The __________________ highlights the concept of a significant deficiency in internal control over financial reporting.
Read 'Chapter 3: Analysis of Financial Statements for Liquidity, Asset Utilization and Solvency' & answer the following question(s):
12. Factors that an investor considers in evaluating a firms stock include all except:
13. In assessing the financial prospects for a firm, financial analysts use various techniques. An example of vertical, common-size analysis is
14. Which of the following is an example of liquidity ratios?
15. Given the following data: Sales = 2000; Cost of goods sold = 1500; Average receivables = 100, calculate the average collection period:
16. To determine the operating cycle for a retail department store, which one of the following pairs of items is needed?
17. What ratio is used to measure a firm's leverage?
Read 'Chapter 4: Analysis of Financial Statements for Profitability and Market Value' & answer the following question(s):
18. Gross profit margin is
19. What ratio is used to measure the profit earned on each dollar invested in a firm?
20. Market value ratios do not include:
21. Book value per share represents the amount of shareholders' equity assigned to each outstanding share of common stock. Which one of the following statements about book value per common share is correct?
22. Calculate earnings per share based on the following information. A company has net income of $15 million, preferred dividends of $500,000, outstanding common stock of 10 million, and outstanding preferred stock of 5 million.
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