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Course 311001- Leadership Skills
  Final Exam
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311001v - Leadership Skills

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Read 'Chapter 1: September 11, 2001' & answer the following question(s):
1. Seeing things with your own eyes is important because:
Read 'Chapter 2: First Things First' & answer the following question(s):
2. Giuliani’s system for processing the day’s challenges was:
3. The idea of the daily morning meeting was to get as much work as possible out of the way in the first hour of the day.
4. One of the best lessons a leader can communicate to his or her staff is that encountering problems is to be expected. But failing to mention problems – or, worse, covering them up – should not be tolerated.
5. According to Giuliani's theory of always sweat the small stuff, it’s unimportant for a leader to waste time with details.
6. A way to avoid the pitfalls of meeting drag is to keep them moving quickly.
Read 'Chapter 3: Prepare Relentlessly' & answer the following question(s):
7. The biggest mistake that good lawyers make is:
8. Preparation eliminates the need to make assumptions
9. You don’t want to micromanage or undermine the authority of the good people you’ve hired, but on occasion there’s no substitute for firsthand experience.
10. If you are prepared, then there is no need to instill preparedness in others
Read 'Chapter 4: Everyone’s Accountable, All of the Time' & answer the following question(s):
11. “I’m responsible” summarizes Giuliani’s philosophy regarding accountability.
12. Leaders should not welcome being held accountable.
13. All enterprises benefit from increased accountability.
14. Nearly all the frauds that occur in the business world involve using somebody else’s money less responsibly than one would use one’s own.
Read 'Chapter 5: Surround Yourself with Great People' & answer the following question(s):
15. The axiom about good teamwork making each member of a team better isn’t true.
16. Leaders of corporations owe their shareholders an honest effort to hire the best-qualified staff.
17. The first part of choosing great people is to analyze your own strengths and weaknesses.
18. Too many leaders overlook candidates with unusual resumes because of:
Read 'Chapter 6: Reflect, Then Decide' & answer the following question(s):
19. According to Giuliani, you should make decisions as quickly as possible, irregardless of how much time you actually have.
20. Creative tension in the form of debates is enormously helpful in decision making.
21. Making the right choices is the most important part of leadership.
22. When making a decision, leaders must find a balance between speed and deliberation.
Read 'Chapter 7: Ubderpromise and Overdeliver' & answer the following question(s):
23. A leader must manage not only results but expectations.
24. It’s unimportant for a leader to let his staff know how he expects them to behave.
25. Occasionally, over promising can be used to challenge yourself and others.
26. In the long run, grand rhetorical promises undermine a leader’s authority.
Read 'Chapter 8: Develop and Communicate Strong Beliefs' & answer the following question(s):
27. According to Giuliani, great leaders lead by ideas.
28. A leader must not only set direction, but:
29. When it comes to communicating beliefs and ideas, a leader’s word is not only an emblem of trust but a critical device in spreading the message.
30. Real leaders should be able to deny an emerging belief when it makes them uncomfortable.
31. It’s unimportant for a leader to meet the needs of those he or she leads.
Read 'Chapter 9: Be Your Own Man' & answer the following question(s):
32. A good leader should be able to ask those who work for him to do something that he himself is unwilling to do.
33. “Be your own man (or woman)” means that:
34. A part of any leader’s responsibility is recognizing his limitations.
Read 'Chapter 10: Loyalty: The Vital Virtue' & answer the following question(s):
35. An effective leader teaches by example and instruction.
36. A good leader embraces those in his organization who are attacked.
Read 'Chapter 11: Weddings Discretionary, Funerals Mandatory' & answer the following question(s):
37. Attending funerals is considered “showing up for the hard stuff”.
38. Going to funerals is important.
Read 'Chapter 12: Stand Up to Bullies' & answer the following question(s):
39. The spectacular meltdown of Enron is a dramatic example of exceeding the dog factor.
40. The main reason a leader has to stand up to bullies is:
41. Overreaching is a form of greed.
Read 'Chapter 13: Study. Read. Learn Independently' & answer the following question(s):
42. Any good leader must develop a substantive base.
43. If your advisors are wise, then your own level of knowledge is unimportant.
Read 'Chapter 14: Organize Around a Purpose' & answer the following question(s):
44. According to Giuliani, whenever he considered an agency, he tried to look at its:
45. Giuliani’s philosophy entailed identifying the core purpose of an organization and aligning the resources and focus along that purpose.
46. Finding the right organizational structure starts with:
Read 'Chapter 15: Bribe Only Those Who Will Stay Bribed' & answer the following question(s):
47. There are virtually no differences between a tough gentleman and a bully.
48. Institutions are largely just reflections of individual behaviors.
49. There are many times in which leaders think they have to deal with someone who doesn’t meet their standards, when the reality is that they can just say no.
50. There are some people who should be completely avoided.
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